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For more information on advanced courses available for seniors, please contact the Tecnic school nearest to you.

  • You have received a notice from the SAAQ asking you to make an appointment to pass a road test.
  • You’ve been asked to meet an occupational therapist.
  • You have not driven for several years and you feel nervous about getting behind the wheel.
  • You just feel like updating your knowledge on road signs and traffic signals.


Specialized Services for Seniors

Why is Tecnic rated the best driving school?

Do it all online - from registering to getting your license

From schedules and exams to lesson reminders and supplementary learning tools, it's all accessible in your online profile.

With 50,000 successes per year, we’re No. 1 in Quebec

With more than 50,000 drivers trained annually, we are the largest driving school in Quebec.

Great visibility on your journey

With Tecnic, you get superior training and an academic path that’s clear, personalized and interesting.

A team of experts

Theoretical and practical knowledge is transmitted by am excellent team of certified trainers.

Our vehicles are safe and inspected by the SAAQ

Our fleet of cars, motorcycles and trucks makes learning to drive easy.

A history of safety and experience on the road

Tecnic has been operating for more than 40 years, with 155 driving schools across the province.

We’re flexible

Schedules are adaptable to your needs, and we offer flexible payment terms at the best rates.

Our exclusive coaches’ toolkit

A collection of tips and tricks for following the learner's progress.

Frequently asked questions

Find clear and precise answers so you can move forward without hesitation.

To register for a driving course with Tecnic, simply go to our registration platform, choose the type of course you'd like to take and complete the process. It only takes a few minutes.

Tecnic has over 150 schools in Quebec! You're sure to find a school near you. To do so, go to our Find a school section and search among our affiliates.

Don't wait
Start your journey
with Tecnic today!

Register online or at one of our schools.