Did you know that before riding off on your moped (scooter), you must follow mandatory courses and obtain a moped or motorized scooter Class 6D licence? No worries, Tecnic Driving Schools offer the training and all the advice you need. Don’t hesitate. Just take your course with Tecnic!

Click here to watch an overview of our moped driving course. 

Obligations and steps to obtain a Class 6D moped driver’s licence

  • Be at least 14 years of age.
  • Register in a moped driving course at a Tecnic Driving School.
  • Follow the 3 hour theoretical class. - Must be completed before starting a practical course.
  • Follow the 3 hour practical closed track course.
  • Successfully pass Tecnic’s practical evaluation (during the last half hour of the practical course).
  • Successfully pass the knowledge test (and vision test) at the SAAQ

Documents to bring to the SAAQ :

  • Written parental authorization (for those under 18 years of age).
  • The original of 2 of the following documents: birth certificate, Canadian citizenship certificate, passport, health insurance card.
  • The certificate from your Tecnic Driving School (certifying that you have successfully completed your moped course).
  • The required amount to pay the SAAQ licence fees.

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