No need to go to a Tecnic location to register

You can do it all online!

You can register online, through a simple process. It can be done from home, school, work , the bus, on a computer, tablet or even... cellular phone!

And that’s not all... you can also have the option of paying for your courses in 1, 4 or 10 instalments. Payment terms may vary depending on the Tecnic school.

Ready to get started?


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These links might interest you

  • Tecnic gift card

    The Tecnic gift card is a practical and original gift that allows you to offer a driving course or handbook to a relative or friend.
  • About Tecnic

    Great Driver Education since 1985!
  • Comments and suggestions

    Your opinion is important to us. We invite you to share your comments and suggestions by completing the fields below.
  • Gift Card TECNIC - Montreal

    The Tecnic gift card is a practical and original gift that allows you to offer a driving course or handbook to a relative or friend.