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These links might interest you

  • Social engagement

    Through the sale of educational materials to Tecnic affiliated members and educational partner  the ESR program, Tecnic is proud to financially support and promote the mission of the Quebec Foundation for Road Safety Education. ​​
  • Our benefits

    DRIVING MADE EASY 10 benefits unique to Tecnic With Tecnic you may not get to drive a car with heated seats or that can park unassisted, nor will you be practicing in a plane cockpit, but we will provide you with all of the necessary knowledge to help you pass your SAAQ exams.
  • Vehicle rental service for the SAAQ test

    Car, motorcycle, truck, bus…would you like to rent a vehicle for your SAAQ driver’s test?
  • driving course business training

    Through its Advanced Tecnic Division, Groupe Tecnic offers businesses driving courses and made-to-measure defensive driving courses.