road trip
15 July 2019

Having a driver’s license is also a passport to freedom! Below are suggestions for one-day road trips designed to let you explore “la belle province”. 

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Summer road trip, is your car ready?
17 June 2019

Below are four simple verifications to prevent problems down the road...

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Look in your mirrors while driving, so you will always be aware of the others sharing the road with you.
27 May 2019

This blog discusses 3 rules for safely sharing the road with pedestrians and cyclists.

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 Checking the condition of the tires on your vehicle.
17 April 2019

3 easy ways to check the condition of your tires

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18 March 2019


I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard a variation of: "A motorcycle is like a bicycle - once you’ve learned how to ride one, it’s not something you forget."

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 Share the road with the school bus. It's for the safety of our children.
19 February 2019

It may seem odd to address the topic of school buses in the middle of winter, but the subject is one that’s always worth talking about! 

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 Motorcycle Show of Montreal and Quebec City
28 January 2019

Once again this year, Tecnic will be at the Motorcycle Shows that will be held in Quebec and Montreal.

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 Pedestrians and cyclists, here's how to stay safe and visible if you use the roads in winter.
15 January 2019

Pedestrians and cyclists often struggle to stay visible during winter.

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 You like to drive at night. Be safe. Learn how here.
17 December 2018

Night driving presents a lot of challenges for both beginners and experienced drivers.

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 Prepare to hit the road this winter. It's not so obvious that we think.
03 December 2018

You had your winter tires installed. Is there anything else to do before facing the winter conditions?    

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